Sunday, October 23, 2011


i received the best piece of mail in 2011 today.  erin asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding!  she is so freakin cool too because she sent a dvd with a cover of pictures of the two of us, a sweet note and a dvd of the movie Bridesmaids starring kristen wiig.  love it.  erin and i have been friends since freshman year in college and maintained our relationship despite many moves around the country/world.  she now lives in san francisco.  when i was in LA, i could drive up or hop on a quick flight to see her.  now that i'm back in atlanta, we rely on gchat to keep up with each others busy lives.  but who knows what lies down the road..... she is getting married in sonoma, ca next summer.  cannot wait for this trip to vacation with my bests and to celebrate erin and bryon.  congrats!  
 (photo- dvd and note)
(dvd cover photos)

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