Monday, October 10, 2011


the purpose of this blog is to take time to appreciate life.  i've searched high and low for a new topic to blog that gives me freedom but also has guidelines of sorts.  otherwise i will end up rambling about topics no one cares to read....which will probably happen anyway.  starting now.  when i have a blog, i am constantly running the next script in my head which i think makes me live life more thoughtfully.  i kept a gratitude journal in high school where i wrote down five things i was thankful for each day before bed.  my mom and i recently commented how therapeutic this practice was and that we should get back in the habit.  i am a very task oriented person, which means my desk and my mind are constantly littered with to-do lists for every area of my life.  i tend to not relax or be completely happy until these lists are accomplished.  some are as simple as take my cat to the vet or as grand as visit every continent.  this personality trait makes it very easy to miss the greatness in front of me today and difficult to be content (which some may argue is a level of ambition...fine line.)  as i sorted through these thoughts recently, i happened to stumble upon my wonderful friend, courtney's grateful blog.  we met in haiti last year, where we both left the country on a gratitude high.  she said this trip is what motivated her to photo-document her grateful moments.  i completely agree and am following suit.  here we go...
 (photo- haiti deaf camp)

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